
    // JavaScript Guide and CheatSheet - Ultimate Reference
    // By Ahmed Akhtar - Chicago - @Copyright 2023
    // From Basic JavaScript to Advanced to Coding Problems!
    // Almost Every JavaScript concept is demonstrated below.
    // Run this entire code in any JavaScript Compiler!
    //Variables in JS
      // Global Scope = Yes
      // Function Scope = Yes
      // Block Scope = No
    var variable_js = "variable"
    //Let in JS
      // Global Scope = No
      // Function Scope = Yes
      // Block Scope = Yes
    let let_js = "let"
    //Constants in JS
      // Global Scope = No
      // Function Scope = Yes
      // Block Scope = Yes
    const constant_js = "constant"
    // (Note var has No Block Scope so var can leak out of blocks,
    //  such as for loops and if-then statements or {}.
    var variable_js_test = "variable"
    let let_js_test = "let"
    const constant_js_test = "constant"
    // This will run - because var
    document.write(variable_js_test + "
") // This won't run - let // document.write(let_js_test + "
") // This won't run - const // document.write(constant_js_test + "
") //Strings in JS var dash = '-' document.write("Strings in JS:"); document.write("
" + dash.repeat(20) + "
"); // Logs in Console: "Hello World" console.log("Hello World"); // Prints "Hello World" document.write("Hello World"); document.write("
"); // JavaScript has 8 Datatypes // 1. String // 2. Number // 3. Bigint // 4. Boolean // 5. Undefined // 6. Null // 7. Symbol // 8. Object //Note: // Undefined means the variable has been // declared, but its value has not been assigned. // Null means an empty value or a blank value. //String Data Types var individualName = "ahmed" document.write(individualName); // Prints "ahmed" document.write("
"); // Integer Data Types var age = 28 // Prints "28" document.write(age); document.write("
"); // Boolean Data Types var smart = true // Prints true document.write(smart); document.write("
"); // Double Data Types var price = 9.99 // Prints 9.99 document.write(price); document.write("
" + "
"); document.write("Data Types in JavaScript:") document.write("
" + dash.repeat(20) + "
"); // Arithemetic in JavaScript // + Addition // - Subtraction // * Multiplication // ** Exponentiation (ES2016) // / Division // % Modulus (Remainder after Divided Quotient) // ++ Increment // -- Decrement // += Add to variable and current // >= Greater than or equal to // <= Less than or equal to // == equal to (only value must match) // === strict Equals too (value and datatype must match) // Given a year, return the century it is in. // The first century spans from the year 1 up to and including the year 100, the second - from the year 101 up to and including the year 200, etc. // For year = 1905, the output should be // solution(year) = 20; // For year = 1700, the output should be // solution(year) = 17. // Round up in JavaScript document.write("~Round up: " + Math.ceil(7.1)) document.write("
"); document.write("~Round down: " + Math.floor(7.1)) document.write("
"); // Converting Numbers to Strings var message = 55 document.write(message.toString()) // Returns '55' document.write("
"); // Converting Strings to Numbers var message = '50' document.write(Number(message)); // Returns 50 document.write("
"); // Converting Strings to Integers // Note* Also removes any additional text var size = '20px' document.write(parseInt(size)); // Returns 20 document.write("
"); // Converting Strings to Floats // Note* Also removes any additional text var pi = '3.14pie' document.write(parseFloat(pi)); // Returns 3.14 document.write("
"); //Checking Data Types data = 5 document.write(typeof(data)) // Returns Number document.write("
"); // Left characters of a String document.write("Left 5 characters") document.write("
"); var leftstring = "Hello world"; var res = leftstring.substring(0, 5); document.write(res) document.write("
" + "
"); document.write("Incrementing in JS") document.write("
" + dash.repeat(20) + "
"); //Incrementing in JS let theCount = 2 // Increments next time - Prints 2 document.write(theCount++) document.write("
"); // Incremented next time - Prints 3 document.write(theCount) document.write("
"); // Decrements next time - Prints 3 document.write(theCount--) document.write("
"); // Decremented next time - Prints 2 document.write(theCount) document.write("
"); // Decrements this time - Prints 1 document.write(--theCount) document.write("
"); // Increments this time - Prints 2 document.write(++theCount) document.write("
"); //Minus Assignment Operator let paycheck = 100 let burger = 5 let money = paycheck // Returns 100 document.write(money) document.write("
"); money -= burger // Returns 95 document.write(money) document.write("
"); //Addition Assignment Operator let car_assignment = 4 car_assignment += " Wheel Drive" // Returns 4 Wheel Drive document.write(car_assignment) document.write("
"); // Storing Data document.write("Arrays, JSON, Sets, Maps:") document.write("
" + dash.repeat(20) + "
"); // JS Arrays //Prints Fourth Item in an Array (vegetables[3]) First is 0 in JS let vegetables = ["Carrots", "Peas", "Lettuce", "Tomatoes"]; document.write("Favorite Vegetable: " + vegetables[3] + "
"); //Returns Favorite Vegetable: Tomatoes //The join() method returns an array as a string. let arraycreated = ["s", "t", "r", "i", "n", "g"] document.write("~Joining Array: " + arraycreated.join("")) document.write("
"); // First Item of an Array let firstitemarray = arraycreated[0] let reversed = arraycreated.reverse() // Last Item of an Array let lastitemarray = reversed[0] // Add to the front of an Array vegetables.unshift("Cabbage") document.write(vegetables[0]) //Returns Cabbage (As first item in an Array) document.write("
"); // Add to the end of an Array vegetables.push("Potato") document.write(vegetables[5]) //Returns Potato (As first item in an Array) document.write("
"); // Add to the end of an Array document.write("~Does Array include: " + arraycreated.includes("s")) //Returns True document.write("
"); // Remove from the front of an Array vegetables.shift() document.write("~Remove front array: " + vegetables[0]) // Removes Cabbage at the front of the array. // Returns Carrots document.write("
"); // Remove from the end of an Array vegetables.pop() document.write("~Remove end array: " + vegetables[3]) // Removes Potato at the end of the array. // Returns Tomatoes document.write("
"); // Combine Arrays - 3 Ways //Merging Using Concat let arrayNumbers1 = [1, 2, 3] let arrayNumbers2 = [4, 5, 6] let mergeResultConcat = arrayNumbers1.concat(...arrayNumbers2) document.write("Merging Arrays Concat: " + mergeResultConcat); //Returns Combined: Array: 1,2,3,4,5,6 document.write("
"); // Combine Arrays - Merging Using Spread Operator let arrayNumbers3 = [1, 2, 3] let arrayNumbers4 = [4, 5, 6] const mergeResult = [...arrayNumbers3, ...arrayNumbers4]; document.write("Merging Arrays Spread Operator: " + mergeResult); //Returns Combined: Array: 1,2,3,4,5,6 document.write("
"); // Combine Arrays - Merging Using Push let arrayNumbers5 = [1, 2, 3] let arrayNumbers6 = [4, 5, 6] let mergeResultPush = arrayNumbers5 mergeResultPush.push(arrayNumbers6) document.write("Merging Arrays Push: " + mergeResultPush); //Returns Combined: Array: 1,2,3,4,5,6 document.write("
"); //Sort Array Text let unsortedArrayText = ["Apple", "Mango", "Orange", "Grape"] let sortedArray = unsortedArrayText.sort() document.write("Sorted Array: " + sortedArray); //Returns Sorted Array: Apple,Grape,Mango,Orange document.write("
"); //Sort Array let unsortedArray2 = [1,9,3,2,0] document.write("Sorted Array Integers: " + unsortedArray2.sort()); //Returns Sorted Array: 0,1,2,3,9 document.write("
"); let unsortedArray3 = [1,9,3,2,0] unsortedArray3.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); document.write("Sorted Array Integer Function: " + unsortedArray3); //Returns Sorted Array: 0,1,2,3,9 document.write("
"); //Splice Array //Splice affeAlterscts original Array let splicingArray=[1,2,3,4,5]; splicingArray.splice(2); document.write("
"); document.write(splicingArray); // Returns 1,2 document.write("
"); //slice //slice doesn't affect original Array let slicingArray=[1,2,3,4,5] slicingArray.slice(2); document.write(slicingArray); // Returns 1,2 document.write("
"); //Add to specific Index in an Array. numbersArray = [1, 2, 3, 4] numbersArray.splice(2, 0, 99) // Add at index of 2, remove 0 items, and add 99. document.write(numbersArray) document.write("
"); // Returns [1, 2, 99, 3, 4] //Delete from an Index in an Array. numbersArray2 = [1, 2, 3, 4] numbersArray2.splice(2, 1) // Add at index of 2, remove 0 items document.write(numbersArray2) document.write("
"); // Returns [1, 2, 99, 3, 4] //Turning and Array into a String let isolated_letters = ['t', 'e', 's'] let letters_joined = isolated_letters.join(); //Regex to replace commas and spaces letters_joined = letters_joined.replace(/\,/g,''); // Returns "tes" // Prints "28" document.write(letters_joined); document.write("
"); // JSON - JS Object Notation - JavaScript Objects var donor2 = { "name": "John", "age": 27, "hobbies": [ "fishing", "painting", "coding"] } // Accessing variables JSON //Prints "John likes coding" document.write(donor2.name + " likes " + donor2.hobbies[2] + "
"); // Prints John likes coding // Alternatively Accessing variables JSON // Prints "27" document.write(donor2["age"]); document.write("
"); // Updating Object Values // Prints "31" donor2["age"] = 31 document.write(donor2["age"]); document.write("
"); // Adding Object Values ("Non existing field/key..") // Prints "31" donor2["man"] = "ahmed" document.write(donor2["man"]); document.write("
"); // Priting Object Values // Must parse with JSON.stringify or else will get [Object, Object] document.write(JSON.stringify(donor2)); document.write("
"); // Nested object // Note when working with databases it is good to structure your model like this. // For example you may need to divide notes by notebooks in Database // Or you might want to divide task lists by category in a Database const student_object = { name: 'Ahmed', age: 33, subject: { math: 94, writing: 50 } } // Returns 94 document.write(student_object.subject.math); document.write("
"); //.Length JavaScript Method // Prints "# of Hobbies: 3" document.write("# of Hobbies: " + donor2.hobbies.length); document.write("
"); //.Length Method Text // Prints 10 const tenletters = "Tenletters" document.write(tenletters.length) document.write("
") //.Length Method Array // Prints 4 const countarray = [1, 2, 3, 4] document.write(countarray.length) document.write("
") //.Length Size Method // Prints 3 const letters = new Set(["a","b","c"]); document.write(letters.size) document.write("
") // Sets const set1 = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); document.write(set1.has(2)); //Returns true document.write("
"); //Adding to a Set set1.add(6) document.write(...new Set(set1)); document.write("
"); // Returns 123456 //Deleting from a Set set1.delete(4) document.write(...new Set(set1)); document.write("
"); //Returns 12356 // Sets Also remove duplicates const array100 = [1, 2, 2, 3]; var set2 = [...new Set(array100)] document.write(set2); //Returns 1,2,3 //Destructuring document.write("
"); const myString = 'xyz' const [a,b,c] = myString document.write(b); // Returns Y document.write("
"); // Destructuring Objects // const cat = { // name: 'Fluffball', // breed: 'Calico', // owner: 'Bob' // } // const {name, breed, owner} = cat; // console.log(owner) // Destructuring Arrays const names = ['Jim', 'Joe'] const [name1, name2] = names document.write(name1) //Returns Jim // Temperal Literals document.write("
"); document.write(`Ahoy there ${name1}!`); document.write("
" + "
"); document.write("If Else Statements:") document.write("
" + dash.repeat(20) + "
"); // Time Delays and Repeating functions // The expression in this // function happens after 10 seconds setTimeout(()=>{ console.log("Happened after 10 seconds") },5000) // The expression in this // function happens every 10 seconds endlessly // setInterval(()=>{ // document.write("Happens every 10 seconds") // },10) //If Else Statements const brave = true // Returns "You may Enter" if (brave == true) { document.write("You may Enter") } else if (brave == false) { document.write("Access Denied"); } else { document.write("Nevermind!"); } document.write("
"); // Pro If Else Statements - "Guard Clauses" // Cleaner way to write code // Returns "You may Enter" function pro_if_else(condition) { if (condition == null) return if (condition == true) return `You may Enter` if (condition == false) return `Access Denied` return `Nevermind!` } document.write(pro_if_else(brave)) document.write("
"); //JavaScript Switch Statements var strong = true; // Returns "You'll be Strong" switch(strong) { case true: document.write("You are Strong"); break; case false: document.write("You are not Strong"); break; default: document.write("Not Sure right now"); } document.write("
" + "
"); //JavaScript Date and Time document.write("Date and Time:") document.write("
" + dash.repeat(20) + "
"); var day switch (new Date().getDay()) { case 0: day = "Sunday"; break; case 1: day = "Monday"; break; case 2: day = "Tuesday"; break; case 3: day = "Wednesday"; break; case 4: day = "Thursday"; break; case 5: day = "Friday"; break; case 6: day = "Saturday"; } document.write(day); // Returns Current Day document.write("
" + "
"); document.write("Function/Methods:") document.write("
" + dash.repeat(20) + "
"); // JavaScript Functions function firstfunction() { document.write("My First Function!") document.write("
"); }; // Calling Function // Returns "My First Function!" firstfunction(); // JavaScript Arrow Functions var add = (num1, num2) => {num1 + num2} // Returns 5 document.write(add(2, 3)); document.write("
"); // JavaScript Arrow Functions // Note Curly Braces aren't needed around expression if only one // Also Note Parenthesis aren't needed around paramter/arg if only one. var addArrow = num1 => num1 + num1 // Returns 4 document.write("Arrow functions add: " + addArrow(2)); document.write("
"); // Note that where arrow functions really shine are with event handlers // where the code is just a lot more concise and shorter using arrow functions. // Consoles "Click" when you click on page document.addEventListener('click', function() { console.log("Click") }) // Note how this looks so much nicer without the entire function word. // Consoles "Click" when you click on page document.addEventListener('click', () => { console.log("Click") }) // Also note how nice it looks with frontend frameworks. // onClick={()=> console.log("run function")}; // Class Component. Explained Later class Car{ constructor(doors){ this.doors = doors; } // This will run because arrow function defines // this keyword from where it was created and not where it was called. printCarArrow() { setTimeout(()=>{ console.log(this.doors) }, 100) } // This will NOT run because arrow function defines // this keyword from where it was created and not where it was called. printCarFunction() { setTimeout(function() { console.log(this.doors) }, 100) } } let car = new Car(9) // This will run // console.logs 9 car.printCarArrow() // console.logs null car.printCarFunction() // This with Arrow functions // setTimeout(function(){ // console.log("Happened after 10 seconds") // },5000) // // This with Arrow functions // setTimeout(()=>{ // console.log("Happened after 10 seconds") // },5000) // Function Return // Using the Return statement to return a value function multiply(a, b) { return a * b; } var x = multiply(3, 2); // Returns 6 document.write(x); document.write("
"); // JavaScript Arrow Functions - Return var subtract = (num1, num2) => { return num1 - num2 } document.write(subtract(10, 3)); // Returns 7 document.write("
"); //JS Alerts (Click Okay) //alert("Example of 'Alert' Dialog - (Okay)"); //JS Confirm - (Click OK or Cancel) //var confirm = confirm("Example of 'Confirm' Dialog (Yes or No)"); //document.write("Can you Confirm?: " + confirm); //document.write("
"); //JS Prompt - (Input Data) //var prompt = prompt("Example of Prompt Dialog - (Input)"); //document.write("Favorite Movie: " + prompt); //document.write("
"); document.write("
"); document.write("For Loops:") document.write("
" + dash.repeat(20) + "
"); // For Loops for (var i = 0; i < vegetables.length; i++) { document.write("I love " + vegetables[i] + ", " + "
"); } // Returns I love Carrots, // Returns I love Peas, // Returns I love Lettuce, // Returns I love Tomatoes, document.write("For Loop Ended"); // Returns For Loop Ended document.write("
"); // For Loop (Summing an Array) var numbers = [20, 40, 30, 10] var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { sum += numbers[i] //Returns 100 } // Returns 100 document.write(sum); document.write("
"); //Function with a For Loop function logarray(list) { for (var j = 0; j < vegetables.length; j++) { document.write(vegetables[j] + ", " + "
"); } } logarray(vegetables); // Returns Carrots, // Returns Peas, // Returns Lettuce, // Returns Tomatoes, //Hard Loop for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { document.write("I am " + i + " "); } // Returns I am 0 // Returns I am 1 // Returns I am 2 // Returns I am 3 // Returns I am 4 document.write("
" + "
"); document.write("JavaScript Classes and Constructors:") document.write("
" + dash.repeat(20) + "
"); // Advanced JavaScript // Classes and Constructors // Constructors can be used to create objects with properties such as .noise and .raining below: class Vehicle { constructor(electric, brand) { this.electric = electric; this.brand = brand; //Methods are functions that are stored as object properties. // this.makeNoise = function() { this.printBrand = () => { document.write(this.brand); }; } } // Settings the variables "dogs" and "cats" to be Monster objects and initializing them with the properties of .raining and .noise var plane = new Vehicle(true, "Boeing"); var boat = new Vehicle(false, "Yamaha"); // Calling the object's method: makeNoise // Returns Boeing plane.printBrand(); document.write("
"); // Returns Yamaha boat.printBrand(); document.write("
"); // Changing an objects property boat.brand = "Mitsubishi"; // Returns Mitsubishi document.write(boat.brand); document.write("
"); // Adding a Prototype to a class Vehicle.prototype.color = "White"; console.log(Vehicle.prototype) // Returns White (Prototype default property) document.write(boat.color); document.write("
"); // Adding a method to the constructor function Vehicle.prototype.showcase = function() { document.write('presenting: ' + this.color + this.brand); } // Returns WhiteMitsubishi boat.showcase() document.write("
"); //ES6 Syntax also allows for Template literals, which are a way to output variables in the string, which is popular in other languages such as Ruby var messageName = 'Ahmed'; var message = `Welcome ${messageName}!`; // Returns Welcome Ahmed! document.write(message); // Using Html Tags with JavaScript document.write("
"); document.write("
"); document.write("Filtering Objects in JavaScript:" + "
") // Filtering Objects in JavaScript var users = { 'friends': [{ 'id': 1, 'name': 'George', 'level': 10 }, { 'id': 2, 'name': 'Stacy', 'level': 8 }, { 'id': 3, 'name': 'Fred', 'level': 10 }, { 'id': 4, 'name': 'Amy', 'level': 7 }, { 'id': 5, 'name': 'Bob', 'level': 10 }] }; var wantedData = users.friends.filter(function(i) { return i.level === 8; }); document.write("Filtered Object Data: " + wantedData[0].name); let array67 = users.friends.map(arr => " " + arr.name) let result62 = [...new Set(array67)] document.write(result62); document.write("
"); const stores = [ {"name":"store1", "turnover": 10000, "location":"WA"}, {"name": "store2", "turnover": 1000, "location":"CA"}, {"name": "store2", "turnover": 1000, "location":"WA"} ] // Calling Object Field Values: document.write("Store: " + stores[1].name) document.write("
"); document.write("Turnover: " + stores[1].turnover) document.write("
"); document.write("Location: " + stores[1].location) document.write("
"); // Filtering Objects // Storing For Loop Values into an Array! const uniquestates = () => { let x = 1; let y = new Array(); let array = stores.map(arr => " " + arr.location) for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { y[i]=x; x++; var result = [...new Set(array)] } document.write(result) } uniquestates(); document.write("
"); // Mapping Values into an Array const pullstates = () => { let array = stores.map(arr => " " + arr.location) let result = [...new Set(array)] document.write(result); } pullstates(); document.write("
"); // Adding Object Value Totals const totalturnover = () => { let arrayah = stores.map(arr => arr.turnover) const add = (total, num) => { return total + num; } const resultah = arrayah.reduce(add); document.write(resultah); } totalturnover(); //Returns 12,000 document.write("
"); // Adding Object Value Totals V2 const totalturnover2 = () => { let arrayah = stores.map(arr => arr.turnover) const reducer = (accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator + currentValue; const resultah = arrayah.reduce(reducer); document.write(resultah); } totalturnover2(); //Returns 12,000 document.write("
"); // Adding Filtered Object Value Totals V2 const filteredSum = () => { var newArray = stores.filter(function (el) { return el.location == "WA" }); let arrayah = newArray.map(arr => arr.turnover) const add = (x, y) => x + y; let resultah = arrayah.reduce(add); document.write(resultah); } filteredSum() document.write("
"); //Returns 11,000 // let sum = 0; // stores.forEach(obj => { // for (let property in obj) { // if(property == "turnover") // sum += obj[property]; // } // }) // document.write(sum) // Closures in JavaScript function outerFunc(outervariable){ return function innerFunc(innervariable){ document.write(outervariable); document.write("
"); document.write(innervariable); } } const new_function = outerFunc("Outer Var") console.log("Inner Var") new_function("Inner Var") document.write("
" + "
"); document.write("JavaScript Coding Problems" + "
"); document.write("-----------------------------"); document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem - Last Number const forwardArray = [1,5,7,9] let reverseArray = forwardArray.reverse() document.write(reverseArray) document.write("
") document.write(reverseArray[0]) document.write("
") document.write(forwardArray) // JavaScript Coding Problem //Find Username before @ symbol? let email = "johnny@yahoo.com" let usernamecount = email.indexOf("@") let username = email.substring(0, usernamecount) document.write(username) document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem //Find Vowels using Regex //Note for mig, M= Multi line, i = case sensitive, g = global search (required) const findVowels = (str) => { document.write(str.match(/[aeiou]/mig)); } findVowels('ahmed'); // 'ae' document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem // Find Count of Vowels const findVowelsCount = (str) => { document.write(str.match(/[aeiou]/mig).length); } findVowelsCount('ahmed'); // 'ae' document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem - Return Duplicates const yourArray = [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5] const yourArrayWithoutDuplicates = [...new Set(yourArray)] let duplicates = [...yourArray] yourArrayWithoutDuplicates.forEach((item) => { const i = duplicates.indexOf(item) duplicates = duplicates .slice(0, i) .concat(duplicates.slice(i + 1, duplicates.length)) }) document.write(duplicates) //[ 1, 5 ] document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem - Return Duplicates 2 let duplicatearray = [1, 9, 2, 5, 5, 3, 3, 8, 4] let number = 0 var idealduplicates = [] for(var i = 0; i < duplicatearray.length; i++){ for(var j = i + 1; j < duplicatearray.length; j++){ if(duplicatearray[i] == duplicatearray[j]){ idealduplicates.push(duplicatearray[i]) } } } document.write(idealduplicates) document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem - Return a Number greater than X const arr = [56, 34, 2, 7, 76, 4, 45, 3, 3, 34, 23, 2, 56, 5]; const threshold = 40; const findGreater = (arr, num) => { const res = []; for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ if(arr[i] < num){ continue; }; res.push(arr[i]); }; return res; }; document.write(findGreater(arr, threshold)); document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem // TwoSum!!! 2 Numbers that add up to a target const twoSum = (arr, target) => { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (var j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++) { if (arr[i] + arr[j] === target) { result.push(i); result.push(j); } } } return result; } // // JavaScript Coding Problem - Ideal TwoSum var twoSum2 = function(nums, target) { var results = [] for(var i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){ if(nums[i] + nums[i+1] == target){ results.push(i) results.push(i + 1) } } return results } document.write(twoSum([2, 7, 11, 15], 9)); // => Output [ 0, 1 ] document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem - TwoSum third way: var twoSum3 = function(nums, target) { let hash = {}; for(let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { const n = nums[i]; if(hash[target - n] !== undefined) { return [hash[target - n], i]; } hash[n] = i; } return []; } document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem - TwoSum fourth way: const twoSum_On_Better = (arr, target) => { let numObject = {}; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { let thisNum = arr[i]; numObject[thisNum] = i; } for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { let diff = target - arr[i]; if (numObject.hasOwnProperty(diff) && numObject[diff] !== i) { return [i, numObject[diff]]; } } } document.write(twoSum_On_Better([2, 7, 11, 15, 12, 17], 9)); // Output [ 0, 1 ] document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem - Reverse Array function temporarySwapHalf(array) { var left = null; var right = null; var length = array.length; for (left = 0; left < length / 2; left += 1) { right = length - 1 - left; var temporary = array[left]; array[left] = array[right]; array[right] = temporary; } return array; } document.write(temporarySwapHalf([1,2,3,4])) document.write("
"); // Return Number Factorial function factorial(n) { if(n>=1 && n <=10){ return n * factorial(n-1); } return 1 } document.write(factorial(4)) // Returns 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 24 document.write("
"); // HackerRank Climb Stairs. Number of steps - total scenarios to climbing stairs if you can take either 1 or 2 steps. const climbStairs = (n) => { //base case if (n <= 1) return 1; //otherwise this is basically fib sequence f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) return climbStairs(n - 1) + climbStairs(n - 2); }; document.write(climbStairs(4)) document.write("
"); //// JavaScript Coding Problem - Recursion: Fibonacci Numbers function fibonacci(n) { let previous = 0; let current = 1; if (n < 0 || n === undefined) return null; if (n < 2) return n; for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) { let temp = current; current = current + previous; previous = temp; } return current; } document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem - Max Difference in an Array function max_difference(arr) { var max = -1; var temp; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) { temp = Math.abs(arr[i] - arr[i + 1]); max = Math.max(max, temp); } return max; } document.write(max_difference([1, 2, 3, 8, 11])) document.write("
"); // const array2 = [1,2,3,4] // const reversed = array1.reverse(); // document.write(reversed) //Maximum Depth Binary Tree const maxDepth = (root) => { let maxDepth = 0; let BFS = (node, level) => { if(node === null) return if(level > maxDepth) maxDepth = level BFS(node.left, level +1) BFS(node.right, level +1) } BFS(root, 1) return maxDepth }; //Same Tree Leetcode //Given the roots of two binary trees p and q, write a function to check if they are the same or not. const isSameTree = function (p, q) { if (p === null || q === null) return (p === q); return ((p.val === q.val) && isSameTree(p.left, q.left) && isSameTree(p.right, q.right)); }; //Symmetric Tree LeetCode // Given the root of a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (i.e., symmetric around its center). var isSymmetric = function(root) { if (!root) return true; return helper(root.left, root.right); }; var helper = function (p, q) { if ((!p && q) || (p && !q) || (p && q && p.val !== q.val)) return false; if (p && q) return helper(p.left, q.right) && helper(p.right, q.left); return true; }; // Hacker Rank Left Rotation Problem function rotLeft(a, d) { while (d) { a.push(a.shift()); d--; } return a; } // JavaScript Coding Problem - Distinct Pairs let diffarray = [1, 5, 3, 4, 2, 11, 14, 18, 21, 35, 38, 40, 43] function distinctPairs(A,k) { const uniqueValues = new Set(A); const results = []; for (num of uniqueValues) { if (uniqueValues.has(k - num)) { results.push([num, k - num]); } } return results.length / 2; } document.write(distinctPairs(diffarray, 3)) document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem - Count all pairs let countAllPairs =[1,2,3,4] function pairs(arr) { var res = [], l = arr.length; for(var i=0; i" + "TWOSUM with Multiple answers."); // JavaScript Coding Problem - Distinct Solution: var artisty =[1, 5, 3, 4, 2] function distinctPairs(A,k) { const uniqueValues = new Set(A); const results = []; for (num of uniqueValues) { if (uniqueValues.has(k - num)) { results.push([num, k - num]); } } return results.length / 2; } document.write(distinctPairs(artisty, 3)) document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem - Largest Double Digit: function largestdoubledigitarray(nums) { let results = [] let largest = 0 let secondLargest = 0 for (i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { if (nums[i] > largest) { secondLargest = largest; largest = nums[i]; continue; } // End If Statement } // End for loop results.push(largest) results.push(secondLargest) return results } // End Function document.write(largestdoubledigitarray([1, 2, 3, 4])) // Returns 4, 3 (Largest Possible Number out of String 1234) document.write("
"); // Find the largest double digit number // possible from a large number. function largestdoubledigit(nums) { let resultsarray = [] let largest = 0 let secondLargest = 0 let str = nums.toString() for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str[i] > largest) { secondLargest = largest; largest = str[i]; continue; } // End If Statement } // End for loop resultsarray.push(largest) resultsarray.push(secondLargest) // Turn array into a string and Take out the commas answer = resultsarray.toString().replace(/[, ]+/g, "").trim(); return answer } // End Function document.write(largestdoubledigit([1234])) // Returns 43 (Largest Possible Number out of String 1234) // Returns 4 (Largest Possible Number) document.write("
" + "Largest Number: "); function largest(nums) { let results =[] let largest = 0 for(i=0; i < nums.length; i++) { if(nums[i] > largest) { largest = nums[i] continue; } } return largest } document.write(largest([1,2,3,4])) document.write("
"); // JavaScript Coding Problem Pairs function pairs2(arr) { let res = [] for(var i=0; i") let thecurrentyear = 2023 function solution(year){ document.write("~Find Century" + Math.floor((year-1)/100) + 1); } solution(thecurrentyear) // Is it a Palindrome? The same word backwards and forwards? function solution(inputString) { if(inputString == inputString.split("").reverse().join("")){ return true } else { return false } } //Make first letter capital let word33 = "Word" const firstLetter = word33.charAt(0) const firstLetterCap = firstLetter.toUpperCase() const remainingLetters = word33.slice(1) const capitalizedWord = firstLetterCap + remainingLetters // Given an array of integers, find the pair of adjacent elements that has the largest product and return that product. // Example For inputArray = [3, 6, -2, -5, 7, 3], the output should be // solution(inputArray) = 21. function solution(inputArray) { let f, s, arr = [] for(let i=0; i b - a) return max[0] } //Below we will define an n-interesting polygon. Your task is to find the area of a polygon for a given n. //A 1-interesting polygon is just a square with a side of length 1. An n-interesting polygon is obtained by taking the n - 1-interesting polygon and appending 1-interesting polygons to its rim, side by side. You can see the 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-interesting polygons in the picture below. function solution(n) { if(n<0) { return false } return (n*n) + ((n-1)*(n-1)) } //You are given two strings word1 and word2. Merge the strings by adding letters in alternating order, starting with word1. If a string is longer than the other, append the additional letters onto the end of the merged string. // Input: word1 = "abc", word2 = "pqr" // Output: "apbqcr" var mergeAlternately = function(word1, word2) { let results = [] if(word1.length > word2.length){ for(var i = 0; i< word1.length; i++){ results.push(word1[i]) results.push(word2[i]) } } else{ for(var i = 0; i< word2.length; i++){ results.push(word1[i]) results.push(word2[i]) } } return results.join("") }; // Ratiorg got statues of different sizes as a present from CodeMaster for his birthday, each statue having an non-negative integer size. // Since he likes to make things perfect, he wants to arrange them from smallest to largest so that each statue will be bigger than the previous one exactly by 1. // He may need some additional statues to be able to accomplish that. Help him figure out the minimum number of additional statues needed. //Example For statues = [6, 2, 3, 8], the output should be solution(statues) = 3. // Ratiorg needs statues of sizes 4, 5 and 7. function solution(statues) { var smallest = Math.min(...statues) var largest = Math.max(...statues) var addstatues = [] for(var i = smallest; i < largest; i++){ if(statues.includes(i)){ continue; } addstatues.push(i) } addstatues.sort() return addstatues.length } // You are given an array of integers a and an integer k. // Your task is to calculate the number of ways to pick two different indices i < j, // such that a[i] + a[j] is divisible by k. // Example For a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and k = 3, the output should be solution(a, k) = 4. // There are 4 pairs of numbers that sum to a multiple of k = 3: // a[0] + a[1] = 1 + 2 = 3 // a[0] + a[4] = 1 + 5 = 6 // a[1] + a[3] = 2 + 4 = 6 // a[3] + a[4] = 4 + 5 = 9 function solution(a, k) { let results = [] let count = 0 for(var i =0; i < a.length; i++){ for(var j = i + 1; j < a.length; j++){ results.push(a[i] + a[j]) } } for(var i =0; i < results.length; i++){ if(results[i] % k == 0){ count++ } } return count; } // Check array sequence // Add missing numbers in an array. let array = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7] let largestnumber = Math.max(...array) let smallestnumber = Math.min(...array) let array2 = [] for(var i = 0; i < largestnumber; i++){ if(!array.includes(i)){ array2.push(i) // document.write(i + ":") // document.write(array[i]) } } document.write(array2) //You are given an array of integers a. A new array b is generated by rearranging the elements of a in the following way: // b[0] is equal to a[0]; // b[1] is equal to the last element of a; // b[2] is equal to a[1]; // b[3] is equal to the second-last element of a; // b[4] is equal to a[2]; // b[5] is equal to the third-last element of a; and so on. // Your task is to determine whether the new array b is sorted in strictly ascending order or not. let mixedarray = [1, 4, 5, 6, 3] function solution(a) { let start = 0 let arrayend = a.length -1 let midpoint = a.length / 2 let results=[] let increasingsequence = false for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++){ if (i < midpoint){ results.push(a[start]) start++ results.push(a[arrayend]) arrayend-- } } if(Math.floor(midpoint)") document.write("
") for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++){ document.write(a[i] + " ") document.write(a[i + 1]) document.write("
") if(a[i] > a[i+1]){ increasingsequence = false } else{ increasingsequence = true } } document.write(increasingsequence) }; solution(mixedarray) // Find the number of times a word in an array is part of another word in the array. let arraycommon = ["back", "backgammon", "front", "frontdoor", "deal", "realdeal" ] function wordinclude() { let count = 0 for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ try{ if(array[i+1].includes(array[i])){ count = count + 1 } } catch{} } document.write(count) } wordinclude(arraycommon)